Watch: Mickelson turns disaster into a birdie

Watch: Mickelson turns disaster into a birdie

Phil Mickelson added to his reputation as one of golfs great escape artists Saturday at the Safeway Open.After hooking his tee shot at the 13th off a cart path and watching it bound deep into the tree line at Silverado Resort and Spas North Course, Mickelson found himself in a tough spot trying to keep his hot round going.Four shots off the lead, Mickelson put himself 188 yards from the flagstick, with a tree trunk blocking his route to the hole, and with branches and foliage requiring him to keep the ball extremely low. Mickelson turned the challenge into a birdie to move three shots off the lead at the time. He hit a low, hard hook around the tree and under the branches, bouncing the shot to 10 feet.I just smother hooked a 7-iron, trying to keep it under the tree and chase it down on the green, Mickelson said.How did it rank among his many escapes?It was one of the better ones, Mickelson said.The shot drew rave reviews from Golf Channels team calling it.Terrible lie, Golf Channel course reporter Billy Ray Brown said. I had no idea he could pull that off.Curt Byrum called it amazing.I think he is better sometimes when he is in trouble, because he has to get creative, Byrum said. Thats when his mind works the best.Steve Sands saw it as another example of what has set Mickelson apart in the games history.As creative a player as there has ever been, Sands said.

"What not many people know is, if you watch the video of the last hole, I hit the first putt past the hole and when I go to mark it, you can see me almost fake slam the ball into the ground
Bill Haas beat Phil Mickelson and Keegan Bradley at the

Watch: Mickelson turns disaster into a birdie | Golf Channel

Watch how Phil Mickelson turned a potential disaster into an unlikely birdie from the trees at the Safeway Open. before rolling in from four feet at the ninth to reach the turn in 32.
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Bradley and Mickelson each made birdie on the 11th to reclaim a share of the lead, then took turns falling out of the lead—Bradley missed the green to the left on No. 13 for bogey, Mickelson

WATCH: Phil Mickelson shows off short-game wizardry with epic spinning wedge shot. then bounded a solid 20 feet into the rough. Mickelson holed that short putt for birdie to move to 11
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Phil Mickelson added to his reputation as one of golf's great escape artists Saturday with an improbable shot at the Safeway Open. Watch: Mickelson turns disaster into a birdie | Golf Channel
Phil Mickelson makes unlikely birdie from the trees at

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