Watch: Thomas saves par from impossible position

Watch: Thomas saves par from impossible position

Luke List was just hoping for an opening in his Day 1 match against Justin Thomas at the WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play.Thomas cracked the door on the par-4 ninth, but then quickly slammed it shut. Thomas, 3 up through eight holes, was in terrible shape after two shots at No. 9. But his third shot was a beauty, and a heartbreaker for List.

Thomas made the putt to halve the hole and make the turn 3 up.

Watch: Thomas saves par from impossible position. Golf Channel | March 21, 2018 Related Topics: Save (baseball), Watch, Mike Whan, LPGA. Getty Images. The LPGA's
Watch: Bryson DeChambeau saves par from impossible spot at

Watch: Justin Thomas saves par from impossible position

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Mar 21, 2018 · March 21 (UPI) --Justin Thomas was able to rescue a ball from an impossible lie, making par Wednesday on the ninth hole at the 2018 WGC-Dell Technologies Match Play. Thomas battled Luke List at
Watch Justin Thomas make an incredible save from the

Justin Thomas was in trouble on the ninth hole in his match with Luke List, but hit a must-see recovery shot and halved the hole. Watch: Justin Thomas saves par from impossible position | Golf Channel
Watch: Thomas saves par from impossible position

Watch Justin Thomas make an incredible save from the underbrush at the WGC-Match Play. By An area marked as a later hazard, and a position that seemingly forced a concession.
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Position Impossible by Brent Braun - Penguin Magic

Watch videos of the 2018 PGA Championship at the Bellerive Country Club, St. Louis, MO, USA Patrick Reed saves par after errant tee shot on No.
20 Goals If they were not filmed, nobody would believe them

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This would be one heck of a par save in any format, but it was definitely more irritating to Russell Knox in match play. Watch: Bryson DeChambeau saves par from impossible spot at WGC-Match Play
Watch: Justin Thomas saves par with impossible shot -

Position Impossible creates this theatrically beautiful moment where the spectator looks at every card and doesn't see hers. She knows the one on the table has to be hers but she also knows that impossible. Position Impossible contains everything you need, including a 40+ minute video download that walks you through the routine step by step.
'Unadoptable' rescue dog saves 3 girls from possible

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