Watch: Woods back to hitting pitch shots

Watch: Woods back to hitting pitch shots

It's not a comeback, but it's a start.Tiger Woods tweeted a video Thursday afternoon showing that he's back to work on the practice green, as his doctors have approved him to return to hitting pitch shots:Woods has not hit a competitive shot since withdrawing from the Omega Dubai Desert Classic in February, citing back spasms. He subsequently underwent lumbar fusion surgery in April, which he later explained brought "instant nerve relief" after three prior back surgeries failed to alleviate his ongoing pain.Woods made off-course headlines in May when he was arrested for driving under the influence. While he had not been drinking alcohol, a toxicology report later revealed that Woods was under the influence of multiple prescription medications. In July, he tweeted that he had completed a "private intensive program" to address his medication use.Woods, who will turn 42 in December, has only played in one official PGA Tour event over the last two years, a missed cut at the Farmers Insurance Open in January.

One of the things that really hurts is when you're ready for a clean hit and you chunk or top the ball. This can end your motivation almost immediately and set a pace you didn't want for the game.
How to Hit Fairway Woods and Hybrid Clubs Solidly
One of the toughest shots to hit solidly in golf is the fairway wood off the ground (especially a 3 wood). This tip will explain why you have trouble hitting your fairway woods and what you can do to make consistent contact (this can also be applied to hitting hybrids club off the ground as well).
Making pitch shots simple |

How to Hit a Normal Pitch Shot. The pitch shot is a short approach shot which goes up in the air first and then lands without moving forward too much. The pitch shot can vary in length from anywhere between to nearly .
How To Hit Fairway Woods Correctly, 3 and 5 Wood Golf Tip

Tiger Woods is back! Chipping, that is. But, hey, it's a start. Woods posted a video of himself Thursday hitting a mid-length pitch on both his Instagram and Twitter pages with the caption, "Dr

Chris Ryan shows you how you can pitch like a tour pro. Elite golfer have very good control over the strike, the flight and the spin on their pitch shots and Chris shows you how you too can hit
Golf Lessons-How To Stop Topping Your Fairway Woods - YouTube

When hitting a wedge, weekend players tend to make the opposite of the short-to-long swing, as you can see here: Leonard Kamsler Here, I'm attempting a 20-yard pitch over a bunker.
How to Hit a Normal Pitch Shot: 10 Steps (with Pictures

It's not a comeback, but it's a start. Tiger Woods tweeted a video Thursday afternoon showing that he's back to work on the practice green, as his doctors have approved him to return to hitting pitch shots:
WATCH: Tiger Woods is hitting actual golf shots again, social

Watch: Woods back to hitting pitch shots. By Will Gray. August 31, 2017 at 3:53 PM. Getty Images It's not a comeback, but it's a start. Tiger Woods tweeted a video Thursday afternoon showing that
Watch: Woods back to hitting pitch shots -

How to make your pitch shots simple and effective. When you're too far from the green to chip, it's time to hit a pitch shot. PGA Professional Chip Sullivan explains what clubs to use and what the
Dave Pelz: Make a short-to-long swing for pitch shots that

Watch: Tiger Woods Back to Hitting Pitch Shots | Golf Channel

HOW TO HIT FAIRWAY WOODS CORRECTLY, 3 AND 5 WOOD GOLF TIP >> Fairway woods can be utilized both off the tee and off the fairway when faced with a long approach shot into a green.Many players find striking a 3 wood off the tee easier than the driver but much

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