Watch: McIlroy hits spectator on hand

Watch: McIlroy hits spectator on hand

We never cease to wonder at how close fans crowd in to the intended line of some shots, and just how skilled Tour players are in not hitting someone.But every once in a while, golf ball and spectator intersect, with painful results. It happened to Rory McIlroy during the third round of the BMW PGA Championship, after he had hit a wayward drive on the sixth hole. Attempting to hack out his second shot from under a bush, McIlroy struck a female spectator on her right hand. There was no official word on her condition, but she was clearly - and understandably - in pain.McIlroy went on to make double bogey but was able to put the incident behind him, as he promptly birdied the next hole.

Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue. Remove all; The moment Rory McIlroy hit spectator's hand Tim Southwell. McIlroy attempts unusual trick shot after ball goes up spectator's trousers
Watch: Rory McIlroy Hits Spectator In The Head During

Rory McIlroy was left having to apologise to a spectator after hitting him with a stray tee shot during the second round of the Memorial Tournament. Get the best prices and book a round at one of
WATCH: Rory McIlroy hits spectator during -

Rory McIlroy takes a shot from the rough and hits a fan on the hand. Rory McIlroy takes a shot from the rough and hits a fan on the hand. Watch and Learn: Rory's fast start

Watch: McIlroy hits spectator on hand | Golf Channel

Latest > The moment Rory McIlroy hits spectator's hand May 26th, 2018 The moment Rory McIlroy hits spectator's hand Very ouch, baby Ouch! This is the moment a lady spectator got hit on the hand from 10 yards at the BMW Championship at Wentworth by Rory McIlroy's doomed escape shot
Rory McIlroy hits spectators, one in head, one in hand - The

Watch: Rory McIlroy Hits Spectator In The Head During Crazy Round. the medics were on hand quite quickly thankfully. Rory McIlroy's face after his shot hit a fan in the gallery is priceless.
The moment Rory McIlroy hits spectator's hand - GolfPunkHQ

WATCH: Rory McIlroy hits spectator during disastrous start at Wentworth but rallies to tie for the lead. Rory McIlroy got off to a disastrous start in the third round of the BMW
2018 BMW PGA Championship: Rory McIlroy shot hits fan

Watch: McIlroy hits spectator on hand. By Golf Channel Digital. May 26, 2018 at 10:58 AM. Getty Images We never cease to wonder at how close fans crowd in to the intended line of some shots, and
The moment Rory McIlroy hit spectator's hand - YouTube

During the third round of the BMW PGA Championship is when the madness ensued starting with a wild recovery shot that ended with a girl's hand being nearly broken. Then, on the 18th hole, McIlroy hit another spectator, this time, in the head. No doubt McIlroy didn't expect to be a wrecking ball out there, but unfortunately, that was the case.
Rory McIlroy leaves two spectators needing medical treatment

Share this post. Watch: McIlroy hits spectator on hand. Source: Golf Channel Published on 2018-05-26
Rory McIlroy hits spectator with stray tee shot at the

WATCH: McIlroy hits fan at six . A female spectator is left nursing a bruised hand as Rory McIlroy struggled to get his ball back into play . Medical staff were also called for on the 18th fairway
Watch: McIlroy hits spectator on hand | Glendale Golf

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