Tiger Woods is one of several notable athletes included in Nike's recent "Equality" ad campaign aimed at ending racial, gender and sexual discrimination.While Woods left Nike from an equipment standpoint last year when the company stopped producing clubs, he remains an endorser of their footwear and apparel. Nike took out a spread in Sunday's edition of the New York Times in addition to creating a 90-second video that featured stars like Kevin Durant, Serena Williams and LeBron James:"Here, within these lines, on this concrete court, this patch of turf, here you're defined by your actions. Not your looks or beliefs. Equality should have no boundaries," the video's narrator says. "Opportunity should not discriminate. The ball should bounce the same for everyone. Worth should outshine color. If we can be equals here, we can be equals everywhere."Several athletes sent out tweets Sunday promoting the message, including Woods - who in years past has largely shied away from political stances, but who also played golf with President Donald Trump in December:
IF WE CAN BE EQUALS IN SPORT, WE CAN BE EQUALS EVERYWHERE. pic.twitter.com/NJCNn3nzcC— Tiger Woods (@TigerWoods) February 12, 2017
The background music of the Nike Equality TV commercial is the song A Change Is Gonna Come by Sam Cooke. The song becomes an anthem for the Civil Rights Movement and it is widely considered Cooke's best composition and has been voted among the best songs ever released by various publications.
25 Nike Ads That Shaped The Brand's History - Business Insider
Sep 04, 2018 · Nike is no stranger to controversy. The sportswear firm has run advertising featuring Lance Armstrong after a doping scandal, Maria Sharapova following a failed drugs test and Tiger Woods in the
Nike Is For Equality: Unless You Make Its Shoes - Outkick the
The main message of the new Nike ad, which you can watch here, is "Equality should have no boundaries." (Presumably Nike means only boundaries within the United States only since they are violating their own rule once you leave the boundaries of our country.) If we can be equals in sport, we can be equals everywhere.
Equality. Nike.com
Tiger Woods is one of several notable athletes included in Nike's recent "Equality" ad campaign aimed at ending racial, gender and sexual discrimination. While Woods left Nike from an equipment
Tiger Woods shows support for Nike's 'Equality' campaign
Tiger Woods Included in Nike 'Equality' Ad Campaign | Golf
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Wow, I Can't Believe I Ever Shopped For Nikes Elsewhere, CJ
Nike has released a Black History Month-themed ad campaign featuring LeBron James, Kevin Durant, Serena Williams and other star athletes. The campaign, simply dubbed "Equality," included a 90
Nike's controversial Colin Kaepernick ad campaign its most
Nike launched a serious new ad campaign on Sunday touching on themes of race, equality and discrimination, and Tiger Woods appears to be along for the ride. The campaign features several prominent
Nike Returns to Familiar Strategy With Kaepernick Ad Campaign
A look at 25 ads that helped shape Nike's brand identity. Wieden + Kennedy needed a one-of-a-kind ad campaign. Those are the final lines of Nike's defiant introduction of Tiger Woods,
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The powerful nature of sport has the ability to transcend any field or court and can fuel the movement for equality, creating progress for everyone. Nike processes information about your visit using cookies to improve site performance, facilitate social media sharing and offer advertising tailored to your interests.
PDF The Nike Advertising Campaign - MyWeb at WIT
myweb.wit.edu/whitlockm/CourseWork/The Nike Advertising Campaign Final Essay.pdf
The Nike Advertising Campaign . Nike Inc. was started by Phil Knight. The former University of Oregon distance runner is now the CEO of a $12.3 billion sports company. Knight and Nike started a sports business revolution in the 1970s by changing old fashioned tennis shoes into
Sep 04, 2018 · Nike Returns to Familiar Strategy With Kaepernick Ad Campaign. more than 100,000 posts in the first 24 hours included the hashtag #BoycottNike, but the firm's analysis showed "more support
LOOK: Tiger Woods takes rare stand supporting Nike's new